Possum Native Title Determination (QUD 673 of 2014)
On 17 July 2024, the State of Queensland issued a notification under section 29(7) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) identifying that proposed Exploration Permit for Minerals (EPM) 28771 is an act attracting the expedited procedure. This notice is to advise that Cape York Land Council (CYLC) will facilitate a meeting with those people who hold Native Title rights and interests within the Possum Native Title Determination (QUD 673 of 2014) subject to the proposed grant of EPM 28771 held by Kevin Alfred De Roma (as shown on the map below in yellow).
Details of the meeting are as follows:
Who: People who hold Native Title rights and interests in the area of EPM 28771
Date: Thursday 6 February 2025CANCELLED AND WILL BE RENOTIFIED
When: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Bob’s Place
Peninsular Development Road
Laura QLD 4892
Video conference facilities will be available upon request.
Purpose of this meeting
The purpose of this meeting is for CYLC to provide information and seek instructions in relation to:
- the expedited procedure statement attached to the notification of EPM 28771;
- cultural heritage that may be affected within the EPM area;
- options available to progress this matter under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld).
Confirmation of attendance and attendance by video-conference
Please contact Clementine Rushford to confirm your attendance by Wednesday 29 January 2025 on free call number 1800 623 548 or by crushford@cylc.org.au. This is an important meeting and CYLC will make video-conference facilities available for those who cannot attend in person. Please contact Clementine Rushford if you wish to request the video-conference link to the meeting.
Travel Attendance
CYLC has limited funding available for travel assistance to this meeting. CYLC may be able to provide some assistance, for example fuel reimbursement. CYLC will prioritise assisting elders and family representatives and will consider how limited funding can be allocated to support a broad representation of the affected Native Title Holders. To make a request for travel assistance please contact Clementine Rushford by Wednesday 29 January 2025 on free call number 1800 623 548 or by crushford@cylc.org.au.
Questions about this meeting or about this notice
If you have any questions about this notice or the meeting, please contact Cara Cortabitarte on free call 1800 623 548 or ccortabitarte@cylc.org.au. If there are any changes to this meeting this will be advised on CYLCs Facebook page and website.