During an authorisation meeting (a penultimate step in the native title claim process), the Native Title Holders nominate an Aboriginal Corporation to hold their native title rights and interests. At this meeting, Native Title Holders also nominate and elect directors of the Aboriginal Corporation to represent them.
At the native title determination, an Aboriginal Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 is granted native title as trustee or agent on behalf of the people and that corporation is thereafter referred to as the “Prescribed Body Corporate” (PBC).
The Cape York Land Council (CYLC) PBC Unit provides capacity development support to PBCs to assist them fulfil their legislative requirements and meet their responsibilities to their members and Native Title Holders.
The services offered are divided into three categories, being governance training at the commencement of the year, basic support funding administration during the year and Annual General Meeting support from 1 July to 30 November.
The CYLC PBC Unit is currently comprised of a Principal Lawyer, Legal Officer, Senior Business Support Officer and three Business Support Officers. There are currently 27 PBCs in the CYLC native title representative body area as listed below, although this number may increase as a result of further native title determinations.
1 | ICN2833 | Dhubbi Warra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
2 | ICN3135 | Hopevale Congress Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
3 | ICN3144 | Walmbaar Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
4 | ICN4097 | Ngan Aak Kunch Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
5 | ICN4732 | Thaa-Nguigarr Strathgordon Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
6 | ICN7002 | Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
7 | ICN7157 | Wuthathi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
8 | ICN7163 | Abm Elgoring Ambung Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
9 | ICN7193 | Kuuku Ya’u Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
10 | ICN7972 | Mokwiri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
11 | ICN8114 | Ipima Ikaya Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
12 | ICN8374 | Bromley Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
13 | ICN8522 | Seven Rivers Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
14 | ICN9606 | Uutaalnganu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
15 | ICN9607 | Kaapay Kuuyun Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
16 | ICN9755 | Southern Kaantju Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
17 | ICN9756 | Northern Kaanju Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
18 | ICN9757 | Ayapathu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
19 | ICN9758 | Lama Lama Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
20 | ICN9801 | Gudang Yadhaykenu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
21 | ICN9839 | Atambaya Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
22 | ICN9911 | Northern Cape and Torres Strait United Indigenous Corporation RNTBC |
23 | ICN9982 | Umpila Aboriginal Corporation RTNBC |
24 | ICN9983 | Weipa Peninsula People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
25 | ICN10045 | Awu-Laya Indigenous Corporation RNTBC |
26 | ICN10048 | Possum Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
27 | ICN10063 | Kuku-Warra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
28 | ICN10231 | Ut-Alkar Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
29 | ICN10246 | Kunjen Olkol Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |
30 | ICN10247 | Kowanyama People Kunjen Olkol and Olkola Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC |

The path to independence is in our stars
Are you looking for opportunities to lead and inspire? Are you wanting to start a career pathway? Are you an existing Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) who wants to develop talent and support a career pathway within your organisation?
Lana is a traineeship that is tailored to the needs of Prescribed Body Corporates. The Traineeship is based in Cairns with the opportunity to work within the Land Council and learn skills from across the organisation and build an understanding about land management, governance and administration.
The program facilitates real world mentoring and learning to ensure maximum growth and development.
Leadership comes from within. Bright stars in Cape York need support to develop and take their place as future leaders. We are proud of the capacity and want to see the Aboriginal people of Cape York leading their agenda.

CYLC continues to deliver a suite of services that are aimed at supporting the completion of the native title journey, building capability, facilitating local discussion, amplifying voices and driving good governance systems. Now is the time to extend these support services to meet the evolving needs of existing PBCs. You can be a part of this journey as well as start your own career pathway.

How is Lana Delivered?
- The Lana program is a Certificate III in Business Administration. The program includes modules that are tailored to suit management of PBCs working to meet the responsibilities of land management on native title land.
- We offer tailored support for Trainees who have completed year 12 and are aged between 18-21. We work with PBCs to identify talent, support the application process and support you during the process of relocating to Cairns to complete this program.
- Lana meets the demand for jobs in communities and the need for capable Indigenous administrators who wish
to develop beyond an administrative role and into local management positions in their region or across the Cape York Regional Organisation, if they choose. - Lana is a training program that is stepped out to learn
basic administration, governance support, ORIC and other legislative compliance, record keeping, basic MYOB with the intention to have the Trainee develop by month six to be the CYLC contact/support person for their PBC. - Lana is an in house mentoring program that partners the participant with a ‘buddy’ to support them with their work, attendance, weekend activities and living away from home.
- Lana offers family stay programs for participants to stay with staff and leadership and participate in family activities to support their absence from their own family and friends.
- Lana is a program that sees participants based in Cairns and living in funded self contained accommodation within walking distance to the CYLC Office.
- Lanaoffersauniquerewardsprogramaimedat supporting good choices with milestone achievements and rewards including clothing vouchers, co branded uniforms, National Conference event attendance and at the end of the successful year a completion milestone choice of an iPad or iPhone.
The Lana Program Process
Step 1. APPLY
Apply for Lana Program, seek endorsement from PBC, submit to CYLC
CYLC shortlist candidates and discuss with PBCs
Applicants are interviewed
Successful applicants confirmed, feedback provided to unsuccessful applicants
Process of relocation to Cairns (expected to be 4 weeks)
Arrival in Cairns, welcome to the CYLC family

Step 7. LANA
Commencement of Lana
Step 8. 1 MONTH
1 month Milestone met, reward achieved
Step 9. 3 MONTHS
3 month Milestone met, reward achieved
Step 10. 6 MONTHS
6 month Milestone met, reward achieved
Step 11. 9 MONTHS
9 month Milestone met, reward achieved
Step 12. 12 MONTHS
12 month Traineeship completed – Milestone met, reward achieved
Promotion of Pilot, Career pathway planning