Jan 30, 2025

Coen Meeting: 

Election of Coen Director and Coen Alternate Director 

Time: 10:30am 

Date: Tuesday, 4th February 2025 

Location: Community Hall, 28 Regent St, Coen QLD 4892 

Port Stewart Meeting: 

Election of Port Stewart Director and Port Stewart Alternate Director 

Time: 2:30pm 

Date: Tuesday, 4th February 2025 

Location: Community Hall, 28 Regent St, Coen QLD 4892 


The Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations granted an extension for the CYLC 2024 AGM to occur before 31 March 2025. As a result, the election process was contemporaneously extended to occur before the extended timeframe of the AGM. 

Purpose of Community Meeting 

Between 1 July and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in every fourth year, a director and an alternate director are to be elected. CYLC is required to hold a Community Meeting at its specified meeting place for the purpose of that Community electing its director and alternate director on the CYLC board. 

Directors and alternate directors will be elected for a four-year term and will: 

(i) take office at the conclusion of the AGM following their election at a Community Meeting held pursuant to rule 8.6; 

(ii) hold office until the conclusion of the fourth AGM following their election at a Community Meeting held pursuant to rule 8.6; and 

(iii) be eligible for re-appointment. 

The newly elected directors and alternate directors will not take office until the conclusion of the 2024 AGM following this Community Meeting. The current directors and alternate directors will continue to act as directors and alternate directors in accordance with these rules until their term of office expires. 

A CYLC staff member or officer will be present to chair the meeting. 

Eligibility to become a director or alternate director 

An individual is eligible for appointment as a director if he or she is an individual who is a member of the corporation, having satisfied the membership eligibility requirement in rule 5.2.2. 

A candidate for director and alternate director for a Community must: 

(i) be a member of the corporation; 

(ii) ordinarily and permanently reside in one of the Communities noted in Schedule 1 of the rule book (for clarity, a candidate for director or alternate director may reside in any Community in Schedule 1 of the rule book; and does not have to ordinarily and permanently reside in the Community for which they are nominated). 

An individual who is disqualified from managing Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander corporations under Part 6-5 of the Act may only be appointed as a director of the corporation if the appointment is made: 

(i) with permission granted by the Registrar; or 

(ii) with leave granted by the court. 

Directors must not be employees of CYLC, except that a director of the corporation may be a casual employee of the corporation for discrete, operational tasks. 

Before a person may be appointed as a director or alternate director, that person must give the corporation a signed consent to act as a director of the corporation form. Consent to become a director forms will be available for completion at the Community Meeting. 


Before the meeting proceeds, the members present will select a person, who may be an officer or employee of CYLC, to act as Chairperson of the meeting, and that person will then call for nominations of candidates from the Community for a director and alternate director to represent that Community. 

Community members must only exercise one vote to elect a director and alternate director for the Community in which the member ordinarily and permanently resides as at the date of the election. 

Community members will vote on which of the nominated candidates is best suited to represent their Community. The Chairperson of the meeting will, if a member of the corporation, have a casting or deciding vote. 

As this is not a general meeting of the corporation and in accordance with rule 8.6(h), proxy appointments do not apply to attendance or the voting at the Community Meeting. 

Director Identification Numbers

Directors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations registered under the CATSI Act must apply for a director ID. If you are interested in the CYLC director or alternate director positions, you’ll need a director ID.

A director ID is a unique 15-digit number given to a director (or someone who intends to become a director within the next 12 months) who has verified their identity with Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS). 

Not applying for a director ID on time is an offence and penalties apply. 

It is an offence to: 

(i) not have a director ID if you’re a person required to have one; or 

(ii) not apply for a director ID after the Registrar has directed you to. 

Subject to the availability of ABRS, CYLC staff will be able to assist with director ID applications. If you do not have a director ID, please bring two (2) forms of photo identification with you to the Community Meeting. 


If you have any questions in relation to this Community Meeting, please contact Samantha Graudins-Reid on 07 4053 9222 or via email at


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