Kuuku Ya’u Determination (QUD 673 of 2014)
Cape York Land Council (CYLC) will facilitate a meeting on 12 November 2024 in Lockhart River with those Kuuku Ya’u Native Title holders with particular knowledge about traditions, observances, customs or beliefs associated with the land or waters on Lot 11 on SP246910 (shown on the map below). This meeting is to discuss the cultural heritage that may be present on Lot 11 on SP246910 and the potential impacts development on this site may have on any present cultural heritage.
The meeting will be held as follows
Who: People who hold Native Title Interests in Lot 11 on SP246910 Time: 10.30 am – 1.30 pm
Date: 12 November 2024
Lockhart River Community Hall Lockhart River QLD 4892
The purpose of the meeting is:
- for CYLC to discuss the construction of residential accommodation attached to the school on Lot 11 on SP246910 as proposed by the Department of Education; and
- for those Native Title Holders affected by the proposed construction to discuss any cultural heritage concerns they may have regarding the project.
Confirmation of attendance
Please contact Clementine Rushford to confirm your attendance by Friday 8 November 2024 on free call number 1800
623 548 or by crushford@cylc.org.au.
Questions about this meeting or about this notice
If you have any questions about this notice or the meeting, please contact Daniel Barker on free call 1800 623 548 or dbarker@cylc.org.au. If there are any changes to this meeting this will be advised on CYLCs Facebook page and website.