This notice is to advise that Cape York Land Council (CYLC) will be facilitating a meeting on Tuesday 9 July 2024 in Mareeba for all members of the Western Yalanji Native Title Group in relation to the Cape York United #1 Claim (CYU#1 Claim) and proposed native title determination over the area shown in pink on the map below. Please note the boundary between Western Yalanji and Eastern Kuku Yalanji within the pink area has not yet been finalised.
The meeting will be held as follows:
Date: Tuesday 9 July 2024
Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Venue: Mareeba Leagues Club, corner of Doyle Street and Riordan Street, Mareeba
Purpose of Meeting
The purpose of this meeting is for the legal representative of the Applicant in the CYU#1 Claim to provide information to the Western Yalanji Native Title Group about the following matters:
- The progress towards determination of the area associated with the Western Yalanji Native Title Group towards a consent determination in May 2024;
- The draft native title group description, by descent from listed apical ancestors, for the Western Yalanji Native Title Group
This is an important meeting. The legal representative of the Applicant will be seeking instructions on the draft native title group description. The Independent Genealogist (Family Tree expert) will be present at the meeting and will have availability to meet with family members as requested.
There will be a further meeting on 19 August 2024 where the Western Yalanji Native Title Group will be asked to make a decision about the apical ancestors for the Western Yalanji Native Title Group.
Who is invited to attend the meeting?
All members of the Western Yalanji Native Title Group are invited to attend the meeting.
Confirmation of attendance and attendance by video-conference
Please contact LeeAnn Miller to confirm your attendance by 3 July 2024 on free call number 1800 623 548 or by email lmiller@cylc.org.au. This is important so that CYLC can make arrangements for catering. CYLC will make video-conference facilities available for this meeting. Please contact Lee Ann Miller if you wish to request the video-conference link to the meeting.
Travel Assistance
CYLC has limited funding available for travel assistance to this meeting. CYLC may be able to provide some assistance, for example fuel reimbursement. CYLC will prioritise assisting elders and family representatives, and will consider how limited funding can be allocated to support a broad representation of the descendants of all apical ancestors at the meeting. To make a request for travel assistance please contact Lee Ann Miller by 3 July 2024 on free call number 1800 623 548 or by email lmiller@cylc.org.au.
Questions about this meeting or about this notice
If you have any questions about this notice or the meeting, please contact Grace Underwood on free call number 1800 623 548 or by email on gunderwood@cylc.org.au.