This notice is to advise that Cape York Land Council (CYLC) will be cancelling and renotifying its consultation with the Native Title Party on 19 February 2024 concerning Exploration Permit for Minerals (EPM) 27786 held by Latsod Pty Ltd. On 15 August 2023, the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) determined in favour of the Native Title Party and applied the normal negotiation procedure to EPM 27786. Latsod Pty Ltd has commenced procedures under section 31 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) to negotiate an agreement.
Details of Cancelation are:
Who: People who hold Native Title rights and interests in the EPM area
Date: Monday 19 February 2024 CANCELLED and will be renotified
When: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm CANCELLED and will be renotified
Cape York Peninsula Lodge, Corner of Lui & Adidi Street Bamaga QLD
Thurpill Community Justice Centre, 3 Theile Street Hopevale Qld 4895
*Video conference facilities will also be available. Please contact us at the number or email below for login details.
Purpose of this meeting:
This meeting is a consultation after the NNTT determination issued on 13 August 2023.
The purpose of this meeting is for CYLC to:
- discuss cultural heritage within the EPM area; and
- discuss the cultural heritage agreement previously being negotiated in relation to EPM 27786; and
- discuss the options to progress this matter.
Please contact CYLC on 1800 623 548 or email if you have any questions regarding the EPM application or to confirm your attendance by Monday 12 February 2024. If there are any changes to this meeting this will be advised on CYLC’s Facebook page and Website.