AUTHORISATION MEETING FOR A NATIVE TITLE DETERMINATION AGREEMENT Kowanyama People Native Title Group Cape York United # 1 Native Title Claim (QUD673/2014)

Feb 19, 2024

Tuesday 27 February 2024
DoubleTree By Hilton,

Cape York Land Council (CYLC) will hold a decision-making meeting on Tuesday 27 February 2024 in Cairns for the Kowanyama People Native Title Group to consider whether to authorise proposed native title agreements under s.87A of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NTA) for consent determinations of native title over Kowanyama People’s native title country as shown on the map below. This area is inclusive of areas where native title will be jointly held by the Kowanyama People and the Olkola and Kunjen Olkol People Native Title Groups as described on the map below.

A determination of native title involves a decision of the Federal Court. The determination of native title means that the
Federal Court determines (1) who holds native title; (2) what the native title rights are; (3) the area to which the native
title rights apply after any determination is made; and (4) which corporation will represent the members of the
determined native title group. If the meeting on Tuesday 27 February 2024 authorises the s.87A native title agreements,
the determination will then be sought in the Federal Court. The Court has listed a hearing for a consent determination
on 10-11 July 2024 for the areas bordered with a thick line on the maps above.

A copy of the proposed s.87A native title agreements for a determination of native title for the areas shown on the maps
above will be available at the meeting on Tuesday 27 February 2024. At the request of the people who constitute the
Applicant in the Cape York United Number 1 Native Title Claim, CYLC staff and consultants will be in attendance at the
meeting to be available to explain matters such as the meaning and effect of the proposed agreement. Any person
attending the meeting will be able to ask questions about the proposed agreements and state their views about the
proposed agreements.

Who is invited to attend the meetings?

The meetings are open to the Kowanyama People Native Title Group, being the people known as Yir Yoront
(sometimes called Kokomenjen); Koko Bera; Kunjen and Koko Berrin Peoples. The Yir Yoront, Koko Bera, Kunjen
and Koko Berrin Peoples are those Aboriginal people who are descendants by birth, or adoption, in accordance with
the traditional laws acknowledged and traditional customs observed by the Kowanyama People, from one or more
of the following apical ancestors:

  1. Solomon Minyalk
  2. Thin Mitin Mart
  3. Min Yal Panauirn
  4. Art Kadlaurin
  5. Any of the siblings Kal Koral, Kor Mart, Min Koko Taren or Mad Len;
  6. Pow Mon Alithanem
  7. Kauan Kor Mar’pen
  8. Any of the siblings Paul, Rio or Biddy
  9. Yor Kantl Yamen
  10. Any of the siblings Mark, Barnabas or Kate
  11. Arthur, the father of Smiler Misson
  12. Luke
  13. Any of the siblings Native, Wilson, Akul Edngan, Uyan or Ginger
  14. Any of the siblings Major, Sergeant, Bobella or Gregory
  15. Mickey
  16. Boandonolly (aka Puntanolli)
  17. George Black (aka Thamil Polp)
  18. Either of the brothers “Barramundi” Charlie or Lamp
  19. Gilbert
  20. Eagleman, the father of Barney Jubilee
  21. Joe Highbury
  22. Jackson
  23. Tent (aka Thol Kol Kith)
  24. Bruno (aka Wurrpwin)
  25. Min Kawlto Tower Moilin
  26. Wo Pam Mal Yamin
  27. Mokara Hudson
  28. Either of the siblings George or Purt Ngon
  29. Bob Patterson
  30. Moses (aka War’luran)
  31. Yowalyamen
  32. Jolly
  33. Either Mailman or his siblings
  34. Any of the siblings Stephen, Louie, Reubin (aka Robin), Jimmy Braddsley, Mabel Rio or Poppy
  35. Old Mokara
  36. Taw Wil Yir
  37. Colin Dinghy
  38. Fred Dunbar
  39. Alick (aka Alec and Kauwunbengk)
  40. Goanna (aka Melder)
  41. Pluto
  42. Either Mundie Shalfo or his sister
  43. Piper
  44. Willie Daphney
  45. Any of the siblings Fanny, Lucy Tommy, Waterloo, Elsie or Tommy Burns
  46. Nipper
  47. Dick
  48. Peppo
  49. Ben
  50. Smiler
  51. Bernard
  52. Monday
  53. Kangaroo
  54. Mosquito
  55. Either of the brothers Billy Flower or Goggle-Eye or their siblings
  56. Jimmy
  57. Either of the brothers Rainbow Christie or Bowyang Charlie
  58. Nellie
  59. Either of the brothers Bob Dunbar or Bendigo or their siblings
  60. Any of the siblings Jimmy Koolatah, Coglin Dick, Kunjen Dick or George Murray
  61. Frank Yam
  62. Brumby (aka Jack Brumby)
  63. Old Mud
  64. Charlie Inkerman
  65. Any of the siblings Mimosa, Alison or May
  66. Maggie
  67. Bonbatable
  68. Cecil (brother of Kangaroo)
  69. Dr Dick
  70. Possensnek
  71. Lily Goatboy (sibling of George Black)
  72. Moses
  73. Nellie Highbury (Patterson)

Any person who is a descendant of one or more of the apical ancestors listed above is invited to attend these meetings. Please contact CYLC if you would like to confirm whether you are a descendant of one or more of the apical ancestors listed above and so entitled to attend the meeting.

The meeting will be held as follows:

Date: Tuesday 27 February 2024
Venue: DoubleTree By Hilton, 121-123 Esplanade, Cairns
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm


Video-conferencing facilities will be made available at the meeting. If you would like CYLC to arrange a video- conference from your location into the meeting, whether you live at the location of the meeting or elsewhere, please contact CYLC on the number above.

Purpose of the Authorisation Meeting

The purpose of the Authorisation Meeting on Tuesday 27 February 2024 is to decide whether or not to approve the proposed s.87A native title agreements for a consent determination of native title for the areas shown on the map above. The agenda of the meeting will be to consider whether the persons present:

  • agree and adopt a decision-making process;
  • agree to the proposed s.87A agreement for a determination of native title;
  • agree to the continuation of existing Indigenous Land Use Agreements under s.199C of the NTA;
  • agree to nominate a corporation to represent the native title holders identified in the proposed agreement for a determination of native title over the proposed determination area;
  • if a decision is made to incorporate a new corporation, agree to make a decision (1) to approve the rules of the proposed corporation, (2) to identify who will be the initial directors and contact person for the proposed corporation, and (3) to authorise one or more named persons to apply to the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations to register the proposed corporation; and
  • authorise the Principal Legal Officer of CYLC to nominate the proposed corporation in writing to the Federal Court for it to be the prescribed body corporate under s.57(2)(a) & (b) of the NTA for the proposed determination of native title.


For travel assistance or to confirm attendance or for any other questions about this notice, please contact Sana Dorante before Wednesday 21 February 2024 on free call number 1800 623 548 or by mobile phone on 0488 702 099 or by email Note that there is limited funding available for travel assistance.

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