Condolences and Honour: Mabo Family
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Offer our condolences to the Mabo family for the loss of Dr Ernestine Bonita Mabo AO.
- We honour her role in pursuit of justice and in supporting her husband achieving Native Title justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and ridding Australia of the curse of terra nullius.
- Acknowledge the legacy of the Mabo family for First Nations and Australia at large.
- Take this time to urge Australians to consider an appropriate public recognition through an annual day of recognition on 3 June.
Pama Lives Matter
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Express how appalled we are at recent events concerning police treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Cooktown and Bandyup Women’s Prison in Perth.
- Call for the end to the systemic violence and high incarceration rates that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people face.
- Call for a full and fair inquiry into the horrific circumstances of these traumatising events, because Pama Lives Matter.
Stolen Wages
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Believe that the settlement made with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people whose wages were stolen by the Queensland Government was unfair, unlawful, and robbed them of their just entitlements.
- Support the approximately 6000 claimants in their class action against the State, noting that tragically, approximately 50 claimants have died since the class action started.
- Call upon the Queensland Government to enter into settlement negotiations with these claimants before the remaining claimants die and so that their families can receive justice.
- Call upon the Union Movement, the Christian Churches and other Faiths, and all Australians of goodwill to support real justice for the stolen wages.
Rangers Co-op
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Received an update on the co-design work undertaken in relation to ranger services in Cape York and the concept of a Pama Rangers network.
- Call upon Pama Rangers to commence negotiations with the Commonwealth to establish a Pama Rangers network, representatives to be selected by each-sub region with at least one elder from each sub region.
Fishing Co-op
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Discussed the concept of a co-operative structure for the fishing industry to benefit Native Title holders and communities.
- Supported increased involvement in the Fishing Industry, with a particular focus on developing young Pama fishers and their enterprises.
- Call for the exploration of collaborative arrangements with existing fishing industry in the Torres Strait.
- Consider new opportunities, including all species, in the Cape.
- Call on the Commonwealth and State Governments to provide licenses to Pama and Torres Strait fishers.
Great Dreaming Track
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Believe in the Great Dreaming Track’s potential to develop sustainable industry and call for collaboration to create jobs in the Cape by attracting new tourists.
- Call for collaboration with fellow TOs in our regions to create a business together to show-off our country and showcase our culture.
- Want capacity building and infrastructure to begin immediately to commence pilot operations in initial areas during 2019.
- Believe the project’s structure provides wanted empowerment opportunities and ensures the benefits will be captured in community.
- Know the young people of Cape York are excited for the project and committed to pursuing careers in business and tourism with The Great Dreaming Track – both directly and indirectly with the Great Dreaming Track’s partners.
Cape York Land Council (CYLC) Restructure
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Acknowledge the presentation of the KPMG Business Case and note its endorsement by the CYLC Board of Directors.
- Note that the CYLC will be restructured from a Corporations (CATSI) Corporation to a Corporations Act
- Call upon the Land Council to
- provide a full memorandum of information on the proposed restructure and the proposed constitution of CYLC to all its members in accordance with the rules of the corporation
- present for approval of the members of the corporation at a special general meeting to be properly convened
- retain the name Cape York Land Council
- seek registration as a native title representative body for a six-year period from the Minister.
One Claim
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Continue to support the One Claim so that the remaining 51% of Cape York can be vested in the Native Title Holders.
- Call upon Aboriginal Shire Councils to support the One Claim on behalf of Pama.
- Express our concern that the Cook and other Shire Councils’ opposition to the One Claim will mean that in 2020, the 250th Anniversary of James Cook’s landing at Cooktown there will still be lack of recognition of native title in the region by the Council, even though Native Title existed everywhere in 1770.
- Acknowledge that there are concerns about Prescribed Body Corporate arrangements related to One Claim but understand that this is a matter that has to be authorised by the Native Title holders at the conclusion of the claim.
- Call upon the Land Council to provide appropriate information to all claimants in relation to the conduct of the claim and the PBC arrangements.
- Call upon the State Government and respondent parties to not spread misinformation about the One Claim and to negotiate in good faith a settlement of the claim.
- Acknowledge that if any individual applicant wishes to withdraw as an Applicant they may do so by contacting the CYLC lawyers in writing, however, the Native Title rights of the groups involved in One Claim will need instructions from all Native Title holders.
Constitutional Recognition
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Reiterate our 2017 support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
- Acknowledge the recent report of the Joint Select Committee that focuses on a First Nations voice.
- Call upon the Parliament to put a referendum to the Australian people within the next Parliament.
- Urge Pama, and particularly the Cape York Leadership Program to mobilise Pama Youth, to be at the forefront on the campaign for Constitutional Recognition.
Campfire Governance
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Reiterate our support for the concept of our campfire governance.
- Call on federal and state governments to formally acknowledge and support the importance of on country family, tribe and clan networks and the positive impact on Pama wellbeing and lands.
Community Partnerships Interface
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Call for strong partnership interfaces in our sub regions that are inclusive, transparent, gender balanced and respect the rights and responsibilities of Traditional Owners and the leadership of local Aboriginal Councils and their Mayors.
- Understand that Empowerment plans for sub regions are developed by the people of the sub region.
- Call for ongoing support from the Cape York regional organisations in communities.
- Call for Partnership Tables that bring government to us in our communities to negotiate on our priorities and make joint decisions about investing in them.
- Call for Federal and State Governments to delegate authority for decisions to the officials that sit on these tables.
Regional Partnerships Interface
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Call for a Regional Partnership Authority to be established with delegates from each sub region to work on matters that go across the region.
- Call for Federal and State Governments to recognise its authority in legislation.
Opportunity Account
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Received a report on the concept of an Opportunity Account as a potential new project for 2019 which would establish a mobile platform for the provision of opportunities to individuals and families.
- Support the development of this concept by Cape York Partnership with appropriate technology partners such as DXC and the Federal government.
Joint Management Agreements
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Acknowledge that the traditional owners gathered here at the Cape York Land Council summit reject the existing national park regime implemented across the Cape York native title footprint which is riding on the back of our native title claims and Aboriginal Land Act 1991 transfers, and in doing so work in opposition to the rights and interests of Traditional Owners in Cape York.
- Call on Balkanu and the CYLC to serve notice on the Queensland Government that the national park regime be renegotiated to reflect the rights and interest of native title holders and future national park areas to be moved across to operational management of traditional owners themselves.
- Call on the North Queensland Land Council to support our call for these changes and join us in calling on the government to renegotiate the national park regime.
- Call for all future discussions/negotiations to be part of collective agreements from here on in.
- Resolve to support the traditional owners of the Jardine River and Heathlands areas in achieving a just outcome for the future of their land and the future of Heathlands Ranger Station.
Too Deadly for Diabetes
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Are excited to hear from former Apunipima CEO, Barb Flick and Ray Kelly from NSW in relation to the Too Deadly for Diabetes program.
- Are only too aware of the misery and suffering of our people with Type 2 Diabetes.
- Believe that nothing effective is happening to combat the terrible impact of this disease and that it will continue to grow as a problem for future generations.
- Call upon the Regional organisations including CYP, Balkanu, CYLC, Apunipima and other regional health organisations, to put together an effective and appropriate plan to tackle Diabetes and implement the Too Deadly for Diabetes program in Cape York as soon as possible.
- Call upon CYP to convene a workshop of representatives from all of the communities in early 2019 to put together a plan of action.
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Will build the capability of our local organisations to deliver front-end CDP services ourselves, so we can take back community control, with regional support where needed.
- Call for 100% of CDP investment currently leaving each of our communities to be re-invested back into our local economies.
Native Title Compensation
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Urge the Cape York Land Council to develop a strategy for the advancement of compensation claims under Native Title legislation and any other relevant basis of claim.
Carbon rights
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Express concern that carbon rights have been allocated over Pama land in Cape York without obtaining the free, prior and informed consent of landowners.
- Commend the successful action by the Land Council to invalidate the grant of carbon rights without native title holder consent.
- Insist that no rights to carbon and other energy exploitation such as solar be granted to third parties without an Indigenous Land Use Agreement.
- Warn Pama landowners in Cape York to be careful about carbon theft and to go through a full and proper process of consultation and free, prior and informed consent of all native title holders and not just boards of directors of Land Trusts and PBCs.
- Condemn the parasitic industry that has developed in the carbon economy and the unscrupulous way in which rights are being taken over indigenous lands.
Preservation of our Rights
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Become increasingly aware of the “divide and rule” tactics of environmental groups and elements of the Qld Government in turning individuals and some members of land holding groups against other groups and against regional organisations representing Cape York Pama.
- Are aware that a greens operative was the nominated contact person for an anti-Pama Futures press statement – and that the operative has connections with the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and was a former associate of former Greens Senator Bob Brown.
- Call upon the ACF, the Wilderness Society, WWF, the Pew Foundation and other green groups to refrain from causing division between Pama.
- Are appalled that such environmentalists would attack the social and economic development agendas of indigenous people in pursuit of their green agendas.
- Affirm the Unity and Solidarity of Cape York Pama and our right to regional collective organisation and the right to collectively bargain through our Land Council.
Congratulations to our Young People
- We, Cape York Pama at the 2018 Summit,
- Are ecstatic about the wonderful young leaders we have growing in our movement under the nurturing of Cape York Leaders Program including our boarding school students and those attending University.
- Are so proud of our young scholars at Djarragun College, Cape York Aboriginal Australia Academy, Girl Academy and our schools across the Cape.
- Believe that these young people are our future and the future is in great hands.
- We congratulate them on all of their wonderful achievements in 2018.
- Call upon everyone in Cape York to mentor and support these young people in their future path by providing opportunities to further consolidate their career aspirations.
- Urge those receiving a higher education to know that if they feel alone in a setting that they are not alone, they have the support of their community elders and all Cape York Pama with them.